Hercules Coming Soon

Hercules Coming Soon

Saturday 7 June 2014


Yeah.... not gonna lie when I say this was a bad film. I could give you a list but it would take all day. I went to the cinema to see a huge spiny looking demon like creature who destroys the world, but what I really got was a round pear shaped dinosaur who could stand on two feet. needless to say I was disappointed.

The main reason why I went to see this Godzilla film (If you can call it that) was because of the amazing Walter White (Breaking Bad) who at first was awesome until he dies 30 minutes into the film... WHAT IS THAT ABOUT! Now that the only good actor in the film had died of anyway there was only one thing I was looking forward to. Yes Godzilla, despite the fact that he looked like a fat pear he barely even appeared. The budget must have been extremely low, because you literally only see Godzilla in the last 30 mins of the film and even then he's dying.

Its fair to say that I did not like this film, the fact that Godzilla only appears for like one fifth of the film and the film is named after him is ridiculous! It should have been called 1\5GODZILLA. Anyway I will give it a rating of 5 out of ten because even though it had no storyline it still contained a dinosaur or whatever it was so for that it should have some credit. But on a professional note I would not recommend this film.

And here is the pear shaped dinosaur I was talking about (Standing on two feet)

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